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篇名 技術移轉參與者涉入程度對經營績效關係之研究
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Impact of Technology Transfer Participator’s Involvement on Operating Performance
作者 林彩梅林書正林家弘賀錫浩
頁次 053-066
關鍵字 貿易特化係數Trade specialization coefficient
出刊日期 200803


眾多技術移轉文獻強調,參與者間之合作態度為影響技術移轉成敗之關鍵因素。以往技術移轉參與者態度研究主要以個人因素為出發點,但仍缺組織整體合作態度影響因素之探討。本研究以國內 68 家資本額 5,000 萬以上,員工人數逾 100 人之外國子公司為對象,分別探討技術提供者與技術接受者各項組織性因素之涉入程度對其主、客觀經營績效之影響。研究結果發現,技術提供者之合約準備程度、合作對象協助程度、部門內相互配合程度等三項因素,以及技術接受者之接受資訊掌握程度、事後持續投入程度等兩項因素,對技術移轉之主、客觀績效均具有顯著影響效果,研究假設全部獲得支持。此一研究結果可彌補以往個人觀點研究之不足,同時亦提供有效之技術移轉組織性影響因素,可做為未來相關研究之參考。


The study aims to investigate the international competition of the biotechnological industry. The biotechnological industry is blooming in the world for several years; our government also has many projects to support this industry. But its progress is still limited. So we hope to investigate the reasons, especially the future of this industry. The present study also tries to uncover the international competition between Taiwan, America, Japan, and the other nations by the analysis of Trade specialization coefficient. The results show that the biotechnological industry of Taiwan is hopeful in the future, during the last five years, the biotechnological industry has much progress compared to some other nations. So this industry must use some new skill to improve in the future
