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篇名 國際商業展覽通路績效之顧客滿意度研究
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Study of the Channel Performance of International Trade Show on Customer Satisfaction
作者 吳碧珠
頁次 169-185
關鍵字 國際商業展覽半導體產業顧客滿意度展覽績效international trade showsemiconductor industrycustomer satisfactiontrade show performance
出刊日期 200803




International trade show is one of the significant components of enterprises’ marketing and selling strategies. The number of shows and scales of international trade shows have been increased rapidly each year. Through joining international trade shows, the exhibitors hope to obtain actual sales performance or approach the customers, extend the market visibility, and promote their images. However, what deserve to be discussed thoroughly are the goals and necessary plans & implementations that the exhibitors desire to achieve when joining particular trade shows. Therefore, through distributing questionnaires to the guests who join International Semiconductor Trade Show of Taiwan, this study used the viewpoints of each index’s satisfaction provided from the attendees towards international trade show to discuss the functions of trade show and evaluate its performance. The study result showed that with regard to the significance of trade show’s performance, this study used principal component analysis of “factor analysis” to get five major factors, which were training & encouragement, information collecting, sales activity, problem solving, and relationship establishment according to the significance of performance. At the same time, pair t-test was carried out to compare the significance and satisfaction of original questions, the result showed that the attendees felt disappointed to the non-selling indices, such as obtaining information of new products or the latest information of industry’s development. In addition, the significance of “making an order on-site” is lower than satisfaction, showing that many attendees did not value the function of “making an order on-site” in the trade show; this proved that the attendees held comparatively low significance towards sales factor. This study result could practically provided major suggestions for the exhibitors and organizers to understand the purposes and satisfactions of the customers who went to international trade show, so that the exhibitors and organizers could improve their international trade show next time. Academically, this study could also provide further study reference for the scholars and specialists who were interested in this subject of debate.
