
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 電腦展成功因素與參展網絡關係之研究
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 The Study of Key Factors to the Success of Computex Taipei in Relation to Participatory Networking and Interaction
作者 廖皇傑邊泰明
頁次 004-024
關鍵字 參展行為展覽產業電腦展成功網絡關係participatory behaviorexhibition industrysuccessful exhibitionnetwork relationshipsTSSCI
出刊日期 201209


展覽產業為近年全球化思潮下,各產 業間為推廣產品的新興行銷模式,因具有 「火車頭型服務業」特性,且擁有三大、 三高、三優之特徵,被政府列為積極推動 的重要新興服務業,並普遍被認為是評量 一地區繁榮與否及國際化的重要指標之 一。而台北國際電腦展在全球各城市仿傚 下坐穩全球第二大國際電腦展,同時亦為 世界各大電腦相關廠商採購及技術交流的 途徑,吸引各地區重量級人士及相關業者 與會,因此,本研究以2009 年台北國際電 腦展有效問卷回收265家參展廠商為研究對 象,觀察台北國際電腦展在全球化浪潮及 產業競爭環境下的成功要素,說明廠商參 展行為與網絡關係,利用電腦產業各行動 者的短暫聚集效應,面對面接觸大量戶,達到拓展客戶與銷售產品之參展目的,並與競爭者或購買者建立合作關係,以延伸產業網絡的經濟效益,同時網絡中行動者集體學習的關係鑲嵌可延續到會後的交流,獲得來自世界各地買家及賣家的技術與資訊概念,將知識消化、轉換到利用,強化產業之學習與創新,然後將產生出新產品、新技術、新知識,獲取更多的訂單,因而影響參展者及參觀者的參與意願。


The Exhibition Industry, the popular method of marketing products in light of its superior qualities and the fashionable indicator of prosperity and internationalization, has been actively promoted by governments in the era of globalization. This thesis explores key factors of a successful exhibition by examining participatory behavior and the network relationships of exhibitors and participants in the 2009 Computex Taipei, the world's second largest computer exhibition. Base on 265 valid questionnaires, this study finds the Computex Taipei drew a broad number of industry professionals together for a designated period of time and established itself as the platform for access, connection and exchange. This platform provides industry-wide opportunities for vendors and buyers to access to and build connections with each other, paving the way for extensive commercial relationships and business effects. It is the place where state-of-the-art knowledge and technologies of the industry are to be displayed, observed and exchanged in mutual directions. Professionals also had the chance of learning from peers and competitors in after-parties that creates positive feedback to the innovation system within the industry. Such positive loop is the element for new products, new technologies, and new ideas and hence new orders, affecting companies' willingness of participation in the exhibition.
