
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 台灣版技術戰略地圖規劃以數位X光機為例
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 Taiwan Technology Strategy Roadmap Planning: The Case of Digital X-ray Machine
作者 林怡欣
頁次 076-093
關鍵字 技術戰略地圖數位X光機technology strategy roadmapdigital x-ray machineTSSCI
出刊日期 201209


技術戰略地圖研究為技術前瞻研究之 一環。台灣版技術戰略地圖的研究目的, 在於規劃台灣重點產業的技術發展方向與 技術發展項目。考量市場與技術的對應關 係,台灣技術戰略地圖之研究以五個執行 步驟進行:(1)市場驅動力;(2)產品需求; (3)技術發展項目;(4)台灣版技術戰略地圖 之繪製;(5)研發資源投入建議。 本研究以數位X 光機(為一高階醫 材)為例,繪製台灣版的技術戰略地圖。 以國際領導廠商為技術發展之標竿,同時 透過專家訪談與座談會,確認數位X 光機 的產業技術缺口,然後針對技術缺口,規劃台灣數位X 光機的技術發展項目。研究 發現,台灣數位X 光機之產業技術缺口主 要有三:X 光光源、醫學影像處理系統與 數位X 光感測器。產業技術缺口之彌補方 式,建議採用業界科專、法人科專、學界 科專與國際合作等政策工具,以降低技術 進入障礙,達到技術產業化之目的。


Technology strategy roadmap planning is part of the research of technology foresight. The purposes of investigating investigatthe technologies strategy roadmap is to direct the industrial technology developments and specific items for devoting development resources. Taking into account market demands and technological capabilities, the development of Taiwan's technology strategy roadmap following five steps: (1) Identifying market driving forces; (2) Understanding product features demanded; (3) Deriving the specific items of technologies to be developed; (4) Drawing the technology strategy roadmap; and (5) Suggesting R&D resources investment. This study, by using digital X-ray machine which is a high-end medical equipment, as an example to illustrate how the technology strategy roadmap is drawn. Three technological bottlenecks are identified, including X-ray source, medical imaging system and X-ray sensors, through benchmarking with leading firms in the field and in-depth personal interviews with industrial experts and executives. The government supports, such as Technology Development Program (TDI), and international collaborations are suggested to make up these gaps so that the firms in Taiwan can play a major role in the value chain of the digital X-ray machine.
