
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 兩岸地方招商之財稅制度因素分析:桃園縣與蘇州市之比較(2000~2010)
卷期 57:4
並列篇名 Comparative Analysis on Fiscal Institutions of Inward Investment Promotion: A Comparison of Taoyuan County, Taiwan and Suzhou City, China (2000~2010)
作者 戴光廷趙永茂
頁次 099-132
關鍵字 地方招商地方經濟發展地方財稅制度財政分權local investment promotionlocal economic developmentlocal tax systemsfiscal decentralizationTSSCI
出刊日期 201412




Following the perspectives of previous literature, the present article argues that institutional factors largely determine the development and outcomes of inward investment promotion. Particularly, local fiscal systems not only affect the ability of local governments to provide incentive policies but also influence their motivation to develop local economy. However, contemporary studies have paid less attention to the interaction between fiscal systems and the derived incentive policies; comparative analyses based on practical cases have also been scarce. In order to conceive policy implications, the present article employs methods of content analysis and indepth interview, and aims to articulate the dynamics between fiscal institution and related economic-development policies in selected cases – Taoyuan County, Taiwan and Suzhou City, China – that represent a similar industrial environment and hierarchical structure of government. Our research reveals that most local taxes in Taoyuan County are collected through land tax, which has a relatively low tax base. The local government is unable to make use of revenues from land tax to provide incentives for inward investment. In addition, a high proportion of tax revenues generated from inward investment is handed over to the central government, thereby reducing local incentives to attract investors to the area. In contrast, in Suzhou City, large taxable items are shared between the central government and local government. In particular, business tax and corporate income tax revenues are mostly retained by the local government, providing strong incentives to attract inward investment.
