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篇名 臺灣六年制藥學教育的創建
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Implementation of 6-Year Pharmacy Program in Taiwan
作者 顧記華沈麗娟陳基旺何蘊芳林慧玲
頁次 027-032
關鍵字 六年制藥學教育臺灣Doctor of Pharmacypharmacy educationTaiwanTSCI
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2016.20(1).4


臺大藥學系自1953年創系以來,不斷引領國家藥學教育改革與發展,以回應社會的需求與期待,包 括成立藥學研究所培養藥物科技研發人才,成立臨床藥學研究所培養學士後之臨床藥學專才以保障公眾之 藥物治療品質。2009年更為了提升全體藥師的專業能力,建置臺灣第一個六年制藥學教育(Pharm.D.)制度, 大幅加強藥物治療學教學;增加36週進階藥事執業經驗(Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences, APPE), 其中至少18週於醫院臨床作業據點實習,另可選修社區藥局、藥業、藥廠與藥政單位或研究;增加藥物經 濟、藥物流病、臨床試驗、研究設計、藥品法規等課程,並將初階社區藥局實習列為必修。在設計上,除 訓練藥師必備的專業能力,學生可依照性向,藉由選修課程以及APPE的選擇,鋪陳未來走向藥事管理、 藥學科學或藥事執業。建立Pharm.D.制度最艱困的是為了 APPE,臺大臨床藥學研究所教師老師花十年的 時間,拓展APPE的據點,包括醫院藥學、社區藥局、藥業、藥廠、藥政機關、健保局等,以及訓練臨床 藥學指導師資。臺大Pharm.D.於2009年開始招生,經過5年雙軌並行,於2014年全面招收六年制學生。 由於2013與2014年起分別有兩校開始招收六年制的學生,目前全國每年約11%的新進藥學系學生是六年 制的Pharm.D.學生。


To meet the demand and expectation from the society, National Taiwan University (NTU) School of Pharmacy hold the lead in innovation and development of pharmacy education in Taiwan since its establishment in 1953, which includes implementation of Graduate Institute of Pharmacy to nurture experts in drug research and development, and implementation of Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy to nurture clinical pharmacists to safeguard the quality of drug therapy in the general public. To promote the clinical competency of all the pharmacists, the first 6-year pharmacy education (Pharm.D.) program in Taiwan was implemented in this school. We enforced the pharmacotherapy courses; increased a 36-week advance pharmacy practice experiences (APPE), with at least 18 weeks in clinical practice setting in the hospital, and community pharmacy, drug companies, manufacturers, government agencies, and academia as elective; increased courses in pharmacoeconomics, pharmacoepidemiology, clinical trial, research design, and regulatory science; and listed intermediate community pharmacy practice as mandatory. We not only aim to increase the professional competency of pharmacist, but also allow students to go to different tracts (pharmacy administration, pharmaceutical sciences, or pharmacy practice) according to their preference through elective courses and APPE. The most difficult task in implementing Pharm.D. program is that the faculties of Graduate Institute of Clinical Pharmacy spend 10 years to set up practice sites, including hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, drug companies, industries, government agencies, etc., and to train the preceptors. After 5-year of parallel of 4-year and 6-year programs, the pharmacy program in NTU is 6-year program straight since 2014. Because there are another 2 schools that provide 6-year program since 2013 and 2014 respectively, every year 11% of the newly recruited pharmacy students in Taiwan are Pharm.D. students now.

