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篇名 臺大藥學系六年制課程規劃:進階藥廠藥業實習
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Advance Pharmacy Practice Experiences in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Industry
作者 孔繁璐郭錦樺
頁次 054-058
關鍵字 藥廠實習藥業實習藥學教育pharmaceutical manufacturingpharmaceutical industrypharmacy educationTSCI
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2016.20(1).8


臺大藥學系畢業生的志業一向多元,有以在醫療體系中擔任藥師為職志者,而選擇進入政府、藥 商藥廠或其他領域者亦不在少數。六年制藥學教育中提供之廣泛臨床及社會藥學訓練,除能應用於傳統 藥師執業場域一一如社區藥局及醫院外,更可進一步拓展藥學專業人員在業界可以扮演的角色及擔負之 責任。臺大藥學系為了讓學生了解產業現況,在實習指導單位z鼎力支援下,設有藥廠藥業實習課程, 提供多元化的實習機會,讓學生得以確認自己的志趣所在。本文謹針對臺大進階藥廠藥業實習課程之設 計與執行作一概要之說明。


The career prospects of graduates of National Taiwan University (NTU) School of Pharmacy have always spanned a wide spectrum of paths. Some become pharmacists working in a variety of medical environments, and others enter government services, pharmaceutical companies and many other fields. The extensive clinical and social pharmacy-related training provided by the six-year Pharm.D. program expands the roles and responsibilities of pharmacy professionals in pharmaceutical industry in addition to the traditional functions of pharmacists-such as practicing in community pharmacies and hospitals. The Advance Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Industry course offered in the NTU Pharm.D. curriculum provides students with opportunities for a diverse clerkship experience, allowing students to have a good grasp on the current status of the pharmaceutical industry and identify the right career path for her or him. This article discusses the design and implementation of the NTU APPE in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Pharmaceutical Industry course.

