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篇名 低劑量靜脈tPA血栓溶解治療在中風病人的效果及安全性
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The Efficacy and Safety of Intravenous Low Dose Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) Therapy in Stroke Patients
作者 陳浩榕邱浩彰黃心樂陳媚娟蘇惠珍劉益宏張達人連立明陳威宏葉建宏邱浩彰侯勝茂
頁次 001-007
關鍵字 中風中心tPA血栓溶解治療低劑量tPA急性缺血性腦中風急性腦梗塞地區醫院台灣中風登錄stroke centertPA thrombolytic therapylow dose tPAacute ischemic strokeacute cerebral infarctionlocal community hospitalTaiwan stroke registryTSCI
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2016.20(l).l


台灣胞漿素原活化劑(tissue plasminogen activator, tPA)血栓溶解治療急性腦梗塞的施打率偏低,尤 其是地區醫院。本研究探討地區醫院成立中風中心,以「低劑量tPA」(0.6毫克/公斤體重,最大劑量60 毫克)治療急性腦梗塞中風的效果及安全性。2013年3月,由醫學中心在地區醫院協助成立中風中心,至 2015年2月的兩年間以經靜脈低劑量tPA治療急性腦梗塞患者。於134位急性腦梗塞患者,33例為中風 發生後3小時内到院,全部可在25分鐘内完成腦部斷層掃描檢查、13例接受低劑量tPA治療 (13/134=9.7%)、11例到院至施打tPA時間<60分鐘(11/13=84.6%),無症狀性腦出血發生,與「台灣中風 登錄」相當,8例中風24小時美國國家衛生院腦中風量表(NIHSS)進步>4分(8/13=61.5%),8例中風3個 月之改良式Rankin量表(mRS)S1(8/13=61.5%),也與美國NINDS結果相當。總結:由醫學中心支援,在 地區醫院成立中風中心是可行而省時的;且經靜脈低劑量tPA的效果與標準劑量相當,也可能較安全。


The utilization of intravenous tPA-thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke is low in Taiwan, especially in local community hospitals. This study evaluates the efficacy and safety of low dose tPA therapy (0.6mg/kg,max 60mg) in a stroke center at community hospital. We set up a stroke center in March 2013, and treated patients with acute ischemic stroke with low dose tPA within 3 hours after the onset. Thirty-three (24.6%) out of all 134 infarct patients were sent to hospital within 3 hours after stroke onset and scanned by head CT within 25 minutes. Thirteen patients (9.7%) were treated with tPA. Door to needle time could be kept within 60 minutes in 11 patients (84.6%). There was no symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage. Comparing with the nationwide statistics from Taiwan Stroke Registry, our results are comparable and even better. Eight patients (61.5%) achieved significant improvement in terms of post-tPA reduction of National Institutes of Health Stroke xScale (NIHSS) within 24hrs for more than 4 points. Eight patients (61.5%) had favorable outcome with mRS1 after 3 months. The results were similar to those from NINDS’s study (Standard dose: 0.9mg/kg,max 90mg). Therefore, low dose intravenous tPA therapy was effective and safe in the stroke center at community hospital.

