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篇名 以深層海水鹵水製備二氧化氯之研究應用
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Study on the Preparation of Chlorine Dioxide by Using Brine of Deep Sea Water
作者 劉炯錫張禎祐時雨青陳念廷關宇倫李奕穎顏嘉慧黃厚嘉
頁次 103-116
關鍵字 二氧化氯多重氧化劑深層海水鹵水觸媒電解技術chlorine oxidemulti-oxidantsdeep sea waterconcentrated brineelectrolytic catalysis technology
出刊日期 201505
DOI 10.3966/222369612015050501006


本研究以深層海水之鹵水為原料,透過觸媒電解技術來進行濃鹵水資源 化技術之開發,產製含有如二氧化氯(ClO2)、氯(Cl2)、臭氧(O3)、次氯酸 (HOCl)等具消毒殺菌效能之多重氧化劑,本研究預期可將配合其他深層海水產 業之開發,將經脫鹽程序後的濃縮的鹽水或鹵水再利用,產製ClO2 多重氧化劑之 保鮮劑,創造深層海水之鹵水的市場應用及提高其商業價值。本研究結果顯示: 在陽極披覆貴重金屬產製多重氧化劑實驗效能的評析上,以鈦板披覆釕所產生的 ClO2 產量為最高;而在隔膜的試做及效能評析上,以杜邦Nafion N-2030 號離子 膜為最佳。而在進行以鹵水產製含ClO2 多重氧化劑的實驗上,若以純鹵水進行 批次電解試驗,Cl2 濃度高達298 ~ 327 mg/L,而ClO2 則只有4.1 ~ 7.2 mg/L。 為了提高ClO2 的濃度,因此調整陽極電解液中組成成分之比例,加入亞氯酸鈉 (NaClO2)進行批次電解操作試驗;試驗最佳條件為溫度參數控制在40°C、電壓 12V,一樣以鹵水加入8% 的NaClO2,在此最佳試驗條件下,主要產物已經轉為ClO2,其濃度最高達1,089 mg/L。而在鹵水產製之多重氧化劑進行蔬果保鮮之試 驗上,以35 ppm 的ClO2 浸泡3 分鐘後再以聚乙烯(PE)袋存放在5°C 的冰箱中 的保鮮效果為最佳,且可維持極佳的品相,因此具有極大的商業潛力。


In this study, the brine of deep water was as the material and it went through electrolysis technology processes to produce a Multi-oxidant with high disinfection efficacy including chlorine dioxide (ClO2), chlorine (Cl2), ozone (O3) and hypochlorous acid (HOCl). The study is expected to cooperate with the other development of deep waters and it will apply chlorine dioxide as the preservative to increase the commercial value of brine and extend the application market. The results of this study showed that chlorine dioxide was produced the highest by coating titanium with ruthenium and Nafion N-2030. In electrolysis batch test, Cl2 concentrations was up to 298-327 mg/L and ClO2 was only 4.1-7.2 mg/L. In order to increase the concentration of ClO2, thus adjusted the proportion of the electrolytic solution and sodium chlorite was added in concentrated brine. The best conditions of the test were 40°C, 12 V, 8% NaClO2, then ClO2 was increased to 1089 mg/L. In the fresh vegetable preservation test, Fresh Sanxing Allium fistulosum were transported directly from the picking origin by the farmers to the laboratory for experiment .The best controlled conditions were that Allium fistulosum was washed under 35 ppm electrolytic water for 3 min, then sealed in PE bags and refrigerated at 5°C. It had the excellent product phase, so it had great commercial potential.
