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篇名 從德國浪漫主義看班雅明〈譯者天職〉
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 Benjamin’s ‘The Task of the Translator’ in the Light of German Romanticism
作者 胡功澤
頁次 053-076
關鍵字 班雅明譯者天職德國浪漫主義翻譯理論宗教─神秘文類Walter BenjaminThe Task of the TranslatorGerman RomanticismaTranslation Theorymystic text
出刊日期 200606




Walter Benjamin’s article ‘The Task of the Translator’ belongs to the most read essays in the translation theories and beyond. However, it’s particular way of seeing translation doesn’t get along with the common view of translation. This paper attempts to understand Benjamin’s article in the background of German Romanticism, especially some ideas of Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis can help us to see the connection between Benjamin and Romanticism. We tried to explain concepts like ‘Translatability’ ‘Faithful and free translation’ ‘Translation and Literature Criticism’ ‘After life and pure language’ ‘Word-to-Word Translation’ etc. Benjamin’s article shows us that he has one special type of text in mind: that of religious-sacred text like Holy Scripture. That’s the reason why the aim of translation as well as the way how to translate a text in Benjamin’s article is so different from those of literature translation and pragmatic translation. If we know how to distinguish the different types of translated texts, we will do justice to a more objective translation assessment.
