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篇名 翻譯之意象問題研究
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 The Study of Questions on the Image on Translation
作者 徐慧韻
頁次 077-096
關鍵字 語言文化翻譯意象空間languageculturetranslationthe space of image
出刊日期 200606




cThere is an internal bond between the language and the culture. We know the various aspects of the culture through the expression of the language. Due to differences in geographical locations, each cluster of people has different ways of life. Moreover, linguistic communications embraced by people has certain common characteristics and patterns. This was formed naturally by the cultural life. Translation cannot depict the characteristics. The image of the linguistic expression as well as the cognitive knowledge forms “the space of image.” This represents the question of the agreement on the perception of the direction and the reinterpretation of image. Based on these views, translation of a foreign language which requires modifications to certain degree poses problems worth discussion. According to the current of globalization, except English, are other languages to be marginalized and faced with the risk of fading away? That imposes the question about the cultural development of people. Thus, the problem is directed towards the culture. While translation is like an intermediary, it does not represent a legal transcription, nor can it perform equal transmission. How can it take the historical place of a culture which was has been formed for hundreds of thousands of years? The globalization opens the diversity of the communication; the scientific and data-processing development shortens the distance of communication. Does it mean that we have the right to decide which language has the right for its existence? Through the study of the problem of the image of language which is essential in the translation, we will explore more the function of a language and its value. What is the role played by translation? What can translation contribute? The author tries to elucidate these questions by studying from the three following angles: (1) the affinity of language and culture; (2) the space of image in translation; (3) the development of the Chinese language and the translation. If translation is regarded as an important tool for peace among human beings, translation would be a vital element for the development of the “global village.”
