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篇名 閱讀村上春樹的多種方法:以《發條鳥年代記》的中、英譯本為例
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 Many Ways of Reading Haruki Murakami
作者 張明敏
頁次 111-134
關鍵字 村上春樹翻譯翻譯者賴明珠林少華Haruki MurakamiTranslationTranslatorMing-Ju LaiShao-Hua Lin
出刊日期 200606




In 1979, Japanese writer Haruki Murakami published his first book in Japan. Eight years later, his Norwegian Woods became a record-breaking bestseller. Since then, Haruki Murakami won his fame all over the world, his works have been translated and published over thirty countries. However, by reading Haruki Murakami’s translated copies, many foreign readers spoke out their doubts and confusion: “Are we reading Haruki Murakami, or are we reading Jay Rubin (or any other translators)?” To keep this in mind, this paper is trying to use The Wind-up Bird Chronicle as an example to analyze its different translators. And the traditional method of studying translators and translated works in the field of comparative literature is used in this paper. By doing this, I hope to examine how different translators choose their strategies to translate Haruki Murakami and why. Furthermore, by comparing Chinese and English translators and their translated works, this paper tries to provide an alternative perspective for foreign readers to appreciate Haruki Murakami’s original works.
