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篇名 譯者與原作者的文本對話—談舒克遜作品翻譯的一些難點
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 A Dialogue between the Translator and the Original Author—Discussions of Some Difficult Points in Translating Shukshin’s Works
作者 莊鴻美
頁次 135-149
關鍵字 文本內容美學效果作者意圖等值等效舒克遜language expressionsaesthetic effectoriginal author’s intention functional equivalenceShukshin
出刊日期 200606




Russian language is rich in expression. Consequently, Russian authors try their best to advance their techniques in language expressions in order to reach the aesthetic effect. However, due to language and social cultural differences between the translator and the original Russian author, many lively and interesting language meanings are missing during the process of translation. What the translator can do is to judge the original author’s intention through persistently inquiring his/her work(s) and, hopefully, to make translations as truthful as possible. It is under such circumstances that readers of translated works can enjoy as much fun as their Russian counterparts. Consequently, this paper intends to analyze problems relating to characters’ names, chapters’ appellations, words’ games and some unique local vocabularies within Russian author Shukshin’s works and to provide suggestions for translators.
