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篇名 土耳其語中「在格」,「從格」及「到格」與漢語對譯問題初探—以《Hitit》第一冊教材為例
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 A Preliminary and Comparative Study in the Use of a Locative, an Ablative and a Dative between Turkish and Chinese Language ~Take Hitit Vol. 1 for Example
作者 曾蘭雅
頁次 151-174
關鍵字 在格從格到格土耳其語漢語locativeablativedativeTurkishChinese
出刊日期 200606


對於以漢語為母語的學習者而言,土耳其語中名詞後所接的「格尾」(case) 當中的「在格」(locative case),「從格」(ablative case),「到格」(dative case)較 容易產生翻譯寫作上的誤差。 一般而言,土耳其語名詞加上「在格」;表示「在…之內」,「在…之上」或 「…當中」等語意。「從格」除了可以表達空間或時間推移上的起始點之外,也 可用於闡述原因或某物體之組成原料。「到格」則可表達空間或時間推移上的終 止點,或是「對於…;針對…;就…」,「(加諸於)…之上」等概念。 例如,漢語中的「寫『在』筆記本上」,土耳其語卻是使用「到格」,寫成 deftere yazmak;土耳其語 İstanbul’dan lokum aldım. 句中使用「從格」,漢語卻 寫作「我『在』伊斯坦堡買了土耳其式軟糖」。 茲以土耳其安卡拉大學土耳其語教學中心(TÖMER)專為外國學生所編纂 的土耳其語學習教材《Hitit》第一冊為例,整理、羅列出土耳其名詞後所接「在 格」,「從格」,「到格」概念在轉化為漢語表達時具有差異性之句式。期盼能呈現 出土耳其語與漢語對譯上的差異,供教學研究及學習上之參考。


To those Turkish abecedarians whom might be Chinese native speakers, the improper use of the “case” following with a noun in Turkish language is one of the most common mistakes when translation or writing issues are encountered. In general, a noun with locative in Turkish means “within…”, “above…”, or “between…,” etc. The ablative indicates not only the beginning parts for spatial or temporal domain, but also the reasons of an occurrence or the compositions of an object. In the contrary, the dative, explicates the ends for spatial or temporal domain or the concept about “as to…”, “as for…”, “once…”, or “upon…,” etc. The following two examples can reflect such kind of difference. In Chinese, we might say “…to write something in the notebook”, while in Turkish, the case we used is a dative. In Turkish, we use the ablative in the sentence: “İstanbul’dan lokum aldım.” while in Chinese, we would say “I bought the Turkish delight in Istanbul.” where the case locative “in” was adapted. The main purpose of this article was to summarize and to compare these differences due to the mutual translation between Chinese and Turkish when a sentence with a noun followed by a case was studied. We take the first volume of “Hitit” for example, which is a famous Turkish text book designed for foreign students and provided by Turkish education center from Ankara University known as TÖMER. We hope that this summary of those mutual translation differences could be a reference and useful aid for both Turkish learning and teaching.
