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篇名 土耳其語複詞和跨文化語詞的轉譯問題-以Orhan Pamuk 的小說為例
卷期 翻譯專刊
並列篇名 The Problem of Translating Turkish Reduplication and Cross-cultural Words: On the Basis of Orhan Pamuk’s Novels
作者 黃啟輝
頁次 175-191
關鍵字 複詞跨文化語詞土耳其語漢語/華語reduplicationcross-cultural wordsTurkishChinese
出刊日期 200606


土耳其語複詞和跨文化語詞的轉譯問題-以Orhan Pamuk 的小說為例奧罕.帕慕克(Orhan PAMUK, 1952-)是頗具國際知名度的當代土耳其作家, 也是迄今唯一來台發表過華文譯本的土耳其小說家。「我的名字叫紅」、「白色城 堡」和「新人生」等漢譯小說,顯然是譯自英語而非土耳其語。複詞廣用於土耳 其語和漢語的語意表達,但在英語構詞上卻只扮演無關緊要的角色。其次,帕慕 克小說所提及的一些回教土耳其語詞,對英語或華語讀者都屬陌生。本文將就三 本小說所出現的複詞案例以及跨文化語詞,檢視它們如何由土耳其語原文透過英 語轉譯成漢語。


Orhan Pamuk (1952-), an internationally well-known Turkish writer, is the only Turkish novelist who had come to Taiwan to present his own work in Chinese edition. The source language of these Chinese translated novels “My Name is Red”, “The White Castle”, and “The New Life” is obviously English not Turkish. The reduplication is utilized commonly in Turkish semantic description as well as in Chinese, but it plays only a very small role in English word formation. Secondly, some Islamic Turkish words mentioned in Pamuk’s novels are not familiar to either Chinese or English readers. This paper explores types of reduplication together with cross-cultural words appeared in the three novels, to see how they were translated from original Turkish text through English to target language, Chinese.
