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篇名 青少年生涯目的感的概念發展與實務
卷期 264
並列篇名 Concept and Practice of Sense of Purpose Applied in Career Counseling for Adolescents
作者 王玉珍田秀蘭
頁次 037-051
關鍵字 生涯輔導目的感青少年學校輔導工作career guidancesense of purposeadolescenceschool counseling
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264003




This article explored the meaning of “sense of purpose”. Application of the sense of purpose on career education was also discussed. The authors fi rst proposed the idea of sense of purpose; career education problems and challenges encountered by school counselors were then proposed. The authors fi nally provided three strategies for adolescent career counseling: (1) develop unique personal career interest; (2) be aware of and broaden personal strength; and (3) depict personal career vision and meaningful career future. We advocated that career purpose is new and important idea for advanced career guidance in the 12-year compulsory education.
