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篇名 辯證行為治療法理論與應用
卷期 264
並列篇名 The Introduction and Applications of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
作者 洪福源
頁次 070-084
關鍵字 自殺行為邊緣型人格障礙辯證行為治療法suicidal behaviordialectical behavior therapyborderline personality disorder
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264005


Linehan發展辯證行為治療法(dialectical behavior therapy)用以治療自殺行為、藥物 濫用與邊緣型人格障礙等,雖然辯證行為治療法與其他認知-行為取向的治療法有許多 相似之處,但辯證行為治療法仍有許多獨特目標、功能、哲學假定及概念,值得目前國 內有效處遇成人、青少年自殺、精神人格違常心理治療之參考。因此,本文提供辯證行 為治療法的基本假定、情緒失調模式、治療計畫、治療效果及青少年之適用性,以期做 為我國輔導、心理諮商之參考。


Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a evidence-based treatment for suicidal behavior, substance abuse, and borderline personality disorder (BPD), evolved from Marsha Linehan. Although DBT has many similarities with other cognitive-behavioral approach therapy, there are still many unique objectives, functions, philosophical assumptions, concepts to be used as a reference for adult and adolescent suicide, BPD of psychological therapy. Therefore, this article provides basic assumption, mood disorders mode, treatment plan, treatment effects, and adolescent’s suitability of dialectical behavior therapy, to be used as a reference for counseling, psychological consultation in Taiwan.
