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篇名 青少年色情網路使用與影響及其輔導策略
卷期 264
並列篇名 Pornography Internet Site Usage and Infl uence and Its Counseling Strategies of Adolescents
作者 黃德祥
頁次 085-097
關鍵字 色情網站青少年網路色情諮商輔導策略pornography internet sitesadolescentsinternet pornographycounseling strategies
出刊日期 201604
DOI 10.3966/168063602016040264006




Currently pornographic sites on the web severe flooding, meanwhile adolescents exposed to pornography or pornographic web sites increase the attentions. Adolescence is a critical period of sexual maturity; it is in a “sexual arousal” and “sexual curiosity” keen period. Adolescent porn web indulging is a new challenge for school counseling work. Reasons, the ratio of usage, influence and impact of researches are cited in this paper on youth with exposure to “Internet pornography” or “pornography Internet sites”. Currently affecting pornography or pornographic web sites on young people not yet conclusive, but most studies have considered adolescent sexual attitudes and behavior have an adverse effect on the propensity to violence that are more likely to have an additive effect. Finally, recommendations for sex education and counseling strategies concerning impact of Internet pornography on adolescents are provided.
