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篇名 數位放射攝影於頭部攝影檢查之劑量防護探討
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Study of Radiation Doses Protection for Digital Radiography in Skull Radiology
作者 丁健益蔡雅涵李政翰王旌宇
頁次 1253-1257
關鍵字 光激發光劑量計數位放射攝影電腦放射攝影表面劑量Optically Stimulated Luminescence DosimeterComputed RadiographyDigital RadiographySurface Dose
出刊日期 201603


本研究主要為探討電腦放射攝影技術(Computed Radiography, CR)與數位放射攝影(Digital Radiography, DR)在 頭部X 光攝影下所造成組織器官劑量及眼球水晶體健康風險評估。實驗分別測量CR 系統、DR 系統及防護裝 置三種不同形式輻射暴露的劑量差異,並進一步評估所造成的風險。 實驗結果顯示,CR 系統及DR 系統在頭部假體的入射表面劑量分別為1.67 毫戈雷與2.8 毫戈雷。使用DR 系統照射,在眼睛劑量部份大約增加CR 系統劑量之3/4。在經過劑量防護部份,可將眼睛表面劑量降低為原本 劑量之1/3。本研究參考國際輻射防護委員會報告的輻射機率效應風險係數進行評估,評估一次頭部攝影伴隨之 機率效應風險約為1.92x10-4。實驗結果將可提供臨床上數位放射攝影系統與電腦放射攝影系統在病人防護之應 用。


This study is to compare the difference between organs doses and health risks for skull X-ray obtained from computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR). The OSLD-nanodot was used to evaluate the skull phantom surface doses. The research results reveal that the skull phantoms surface doses for DR and CR are 1.67 mSv and 2.8 mSv respectively. DR systems was increasing three fourths radiation dose from lens. Then using radiation protect devices were decreasing lens surface dose one thirds. According to ICRP report evaluates the radiation risk for the skull radiography. The radiation risk is about 1.92×10-4. The results were useful for the evaluation of patient dose protection in DR and CR clinically.
