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篇名 海科館潮境海洋中心旅遊動機與服務品質之研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 A Study on Travel Motivation and Service Quality at Chaojing Marine Center of National Museum of Marine Science & Technology
作者 沈潤森蘇蜂鈞李永翔鍾光硯
頁次 047-066
關鍵字 海洋科技博物館潮境海洋中心服務品質觀光休閒海洋教育National Museum of Marine Science & TechnologyChaojing Marine CenterService QualityTourism and LeisureMarine Education
出刊日期 201606


國立海洋科技博物館(簡稱海科館)於2014年1月26日正式 開館營運,涵蓋範圍有區域探索館、海洋劇院、主題館及潮境海洋中 心。潮境海洋中心是以復育、研究、教學海洋生物多樣性為主的小型 水族館,目前僅在每年5月至10月的週六下午免費對外開放參觀並 導覽。為推廣觀光休閒且服務更多遊客,日後將全面對外開放參觀。 為了解遊客參觀該中心的旅遊動機及其服務品質,因此進行此問卷調 查研究。問卷調查於104年7月至8月,週六下午進行,共發問卷 530份,回收有效問卷501份,回收率94.5%。研究結果顯示,參訪 者有47.7%是對海洋生物有興趣,但也有約25%是因學校指定作業而 來。年齡層越低的遊客對於潮境海洋中心生物多樣性教學的整體滿意 度越高,特別是對於接待人員及導覽解說人員的滿意度最高,惟對於 廁所地點便利性及衛生整潔度滿意度較低。而鄰近海科館的新北市及 台北市居民,再訪海科館的意願相對較低。


National Museum of Marine Science and Technology (NMMST) officially opened operations on January 26, 2014. The museum coverage areas include Regional Exploration Building, IMAX Theater, Main Exhibition Buildings, and Chaojing Marine Center. The purposes of Chaojing are for marine biodiversity repopulation, research, and teaching. It can be treated as a small aquarium. It is opened free to tourists in Saturday afternoon from May to October. It will be opened all the year in near future to serve more tourists. To understand the travel motivation of visitors and the service quality of NMMST so far, a questionnaire was performed in Saturday afternoon from July to August 2015. A total of 530 questionnaires were issued, which 501 valid questionnaires were returned (94.5%). The results showed that 47.7% visitors visited the center because of interest in marine biology, and 25% visitors came for project assignment by school. The younger visitors have a highly overall satisfaction with the teaching of biodiversity, especially for the reception staff and guided tours staff. Satisfactions of toilet place and its hygiene are relatively low. The revisit intention of tourist is lower in New Taipei City and Taipei City which are the neighboring counties of the museum.
