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篇名 Diffuse large B cell lymphoma in male breast: A case report and literature review
卷期 14:3
並列篇名 瀰漫性大B 細胞惡性淋巴瘤 在男性乳房:病例報告
作者 鞠沅東余忠泰
頁次 149-156
關鍵字 Primary breast lymphomadiffuse large B cell lymphomanon-Hodgkin lymphomamale breast原發性乳房惡性淋巴瘤瀰漫性大B細胞惡性淋巴瘤非霍奇金淋巴瘤男性乳房
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/181020932016091403005


一位72 歲男性到我們醫院外科門診訴說在左側乳房發現一個無痛逐漸長大的 腫塊。在理學檢查觸摸到一個界限不明顯非柔軟性腫塊在左側乳房。開刀切除了 2.5×2.4×2 公分大的腫塊,且送冷凍切片檢查診斷為小圓藍細胞惡性腫瘤,隨後病人 接收左側乳房腫瘤切除手術。組織病理檢查診斷為原發性瀰漫性大B細胞惡性淋巴瘤。 男性乳房癌佔所有乳癌的不到百分之一。原發性乳房惡性淋巴瘤的發生率大約在所有 乳癌的0.04% 到0.05% 的範圍。然而原發性男性乳房惡性淋巴癌是極為罕見的惡性腫 瘤。我們報告一例非常罕見的原發性乳房瀰漫性大B 細胞惡性淋巴瘤在72 歲男性。


A 72-year-old man was referred to our hospital with a complaint of a painless, graduallyenlarging lump in his left breast. On physical examination, a non-tender, poorly-demarcated firm tumor was palpable in the left breast. Intra-operatively, a 2.5×2.4×2 cm mass was excised, and the frozen section demonstrated a small, round, blue cell-type malignancy. A tumor excision was then performed. The histologic examination established the diagnosis of a primary diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) of the breast. Male breast cancer represents < 1% of all mammary malignant tumors. Primary breast lymphomas (PBLs) have a reported incidence ranging from 0.04%-0.5% of all breast malignancies. PBLs in males are extremely rare. We report a case of a DLBCL in a 72-year-old male patient.
