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篇名 當前教育專業倫理的思索:挑戰與對策
卷期 272
並列篇名 The Challenges and Strategies of Professional Ethics in Education
作者 吳清山
頁次 004-017
關鍵字 教育專業倫理領導智慧professional ethics in educationleadership wisdom
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272001




Professional ethics in education play a role to keep school management effective. With the development of society, traditional ethics in education have been facing serious challenges. The purpose of this paper is to explore the challenges and strategies of ethics in education in current society. First, it explains the meaning and function of ethics in education. Secondly, it analyzes the challenges. Finally, it presents 5 new strategies for the future, including the enrichment of principals’ ethics in education and making good use of leadership wisdom, etc.
