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篇名 校長行政倫理實踐之探究
卷期 272
並列篇名 Examining the Practice of Principal’s Administrative Ethics
作者 秦夢群王柏鈞
頁次 018-029
關鍵字 後現代倫理倫理領導學校行政倫理postmodern ethicsethical leadershipethics of school administration
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272002




The aim of this paper is to examine the practice of principal’s administrative ethics on campus, when real-life moral dilemmas are often arise in today’s challenging and diverse society. Particular ethical issues including ethical standards, moral commitment, and ethical paradigms in the postmodern era are discussed. It is also suggested that, in order to protect the fundamental rights and welfare of students and teachers, principals need to create a dialogue that represents the needs of all stakeholders and integrate school policies that are ethically sound.
