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篇名 教學中的分配正義:從批判教育學觀點探討教學倫理
卷期 272
並列篇名 Distributive Justice in Teaching: A Discussion on the Ethics of Teaching Based on the Perspective of Critical Pedagogy
作者 楊巧玲
頁次 074-087
關鍵字 分配正義批判教育學師資培育教育研究教學倫理distributive justicecritical pedagogyteacher preparationeducational researchethics of teaching
出刊日期 201612
DOI 10.3966/168063602016120272006




The more professionalized teaching becomes, the more important the professional ethics of teaching gets. However, the ethics of teaching often refers only to individual morals or group norms. This article focuses on distributive justice in teaching with a perspective of critical pedagogy. On the one hand, it refl ects on the moral and political implications of teaching with respect to economic, social and cultural contexts. On the other, it draws on the research literature of education to deduce the ethical codes of teaching profession. This article concludes with some ethical dilemmas facing teachers while advocating for a teacher education aiming at social justice.
