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篇名 從國際交流活動 析論中小學國際 教育之實施成效
卷期 107
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Results of Implementing International Education at Primary and Secondary Schools from International Exchange Programs and Activities
作者 宋方珺楊振昇
頁次 017-034
關鍵字 國際交流活動國際教育四軌面向international exchange programs and activitiesinternational educationfour-way mechanism
出刊日期 201701
DOI 10.3966/160683002017010107002




The 21st century is becoming known as “the era of globalization.” As the concept of the “global village” has arisen, people have come to realize that the strengthening of international interactions and enhancing human welfare are the undeniable responsibilities of every single human being on earth. Popular issues among the international community include the supply and demand of energy, the introduction of single currencies, terrorism, and global warming, which indicates globalization is not an option but rather a reality needing to be faced. Globalization has a lot to do with the development of Taiwan. Due to the increasingly diversified cultural system, education should be expanded in both broadness and depth and further integrated with the international community. Over the past few years, the Ministry of Education has actively promoted international education. Primary and secondary schools in Taiwan have played a crucial role in cultivating students with global competence and competitiveness. As a teacher for nearly 20 years and having long been involved in international exchange programs and activities, the researcher would like to study the results of the implementation of international education at primary and secondary schools. Is it possible that international education can be brought into effect by means of international exchange programs and activities? This study aims to understand the current situation of implementing international education at primary and secondary schools by analyzing the concept of international education. In addition, this paper would also like to analyze the results of implementing international education at primary and secondary schools by examining the results of implementation through the international exchange aspect of the four-way mechanism of international education.
