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篇名 理計系統 教育決策模式之論述
卷期 107
並列篇名 Discourse of Reason-strategy System of Decision-making Model of Education
作者 蔡孟翰林志成
頁次 035-058
關鍵字 理計系統教育決策模式系統思考系統分析decision-making model of reason-strategy systemsystem thinkingsystem analysis
出刊日期 201701
DOI 10.3966/160683002017010107003




The purpose of this paper is to identify the content of decision-making model of reason-strategy system of education. This model includes two dimensions: the system of reasons and strategic plans. The reasons of decision-making contains two major components. Firstly, it is to take an overview by system thinking. Secondly, it is to construct the integration of wisdom by efficiently rational decision-thinking, reasonable decision-targeting and manageable decision-approaching. The strategic plans of decision-making emphasize two points. One is to plan before acting. The processes are defining questions, drawing programs, analyzing circumstances, setting targets, determining the timing, deciding the principles, considering strategies and planning programs. The other is to make the high efficiency strategies by three plans. The original plan is the beginning process. The diverse plan is the judging process. The determining plan is the deciding process. There are two functions of decision-making model of reason-strategy system. One is to provide the strategy-making for educational decision beforehand. The other is to examine the strategy-determining for educational decision afterwards. The paper will apply reason-strategy system to analyze the educational policy.
