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篇名 國民小學學校識別系統之規劃設計——以彰化縣一所小學為例
卷期 107
並列篇名 A Case Study on School Identity System of an Elementary School in Changhua County
作者 施又瑀張東晃
頁次 105-129
關鍵字 國民小學學校識別系統學校本位elementary schoolschool Identity systemschool-basedschool feature
出刊日期 201701
DOI 10.3966/160683002017010107006




The main purpose of this research was to analyze the process of how to set up the School Identity System (SIS) in one of the Changhua elementary schools and what the difficulties the researcher confronted while undertaking the study. In order to accomplish the purpose, this research had adopted the methods of case study, literature review, questionnaires and individual interview. As the results of all data analysis, some significant findings were collected as shown below for reference: 1. School Identity System can enhance the sense of harmony, the feeling of belonging and the cohesiveness of group, especially emphasizing the unique school-based management and promoting the positive school image effectively. 2. The actual conditions should be entirely considered in advance before developing SIS. For instance, make the schedule of implementation, then identified by school supervisors and the locals. What’s more, get the sufficient financial aid from sponsors and start to work on it with a professional design company. 3. Better school administration, positive school image and identical campus outlook are wholly beneficial for school development if the implementation of SIS is successful. 4. Some of the questions would be raised by students’ parents at the initial stage of setting up SIS because of the exceeding expense, the shortterm non-adjustment and the heavy workload to all staffs. 5. The solutions to the above problems are to establish the effective and mutual communication and actively get support from the people who associate with school affairs. Moreover, fund-raising is necessary if the SIS would continue to be achieved.
