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篇名 IDEA網站功能與服務 對應用教育部特教通報網資料庫之啟示
卷期 107
並列篇名 Implications of the Functions and Services of IDEA’s Relative Websites for the Applications of Special Education Transmit Net in Taiwan
作者 黃昭儒
頁次 130-151
關鍵字 特殊教育通報網障礙者教育法案(IDEA)資料交換Special Education Transmit NetIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act data exchange
出刊日期 201701
DOI 10.3966/160683002017010107007


本研究旨在探討教育部特殊教育通報網與美國IDEA的相關網站,並以南 投縣為例,進行說明。經由文獻探討與內容分析後發現,兩者皆對特教資料的 蒐集相當仔細;然而,我們也發現臺灣的特殊教育通報網資料多為描述性統 計資料,如:圓餅圖、長條圖,及其他相關表格;SET特教數位教室之教學動 畫亦多為如何完成通報作業。相較於此,美國教育部依據IDEA 2004法案所設 立之相關網站,除了扮演蒐集相關通報資料之角色外,也提供技術支援,協助 對數據資料進行分析、篩選異常值,以改善特殊教育政策與資源分配。因此, 本研究依據上述之文獻分析,對國內教育部特殊教育通報網提出可供借鏡之 處,在教育訓練上,宜針對描述性統計資料提供分析工具及教學,以利政策 之實行與經費之分配;在行政上,除與其他部門進行資料交換外,亦應促進內 部不同資料庫間的資料交換,以提高行政效能,減少人力、物力之耗費;教學 上,應針對鑑定安置入班之學生記錄其標準化測驗分數,以助IEP之擬定及專 業團隊之服務。最後,並針對目前之教育部特殊教育通報網提出四點建議。


In this article, we discuss Special Education Transmit Net in Taiwan and the IDEA’s relative websites in America, and take the data analysis and implementation in Nantou County for Example. According to the literature review and content analysis, we found that both of them collect the data of special education from submission very carefully. However, we also found that most of the data from Special Education Transmit Net in Taiwan are descriptive statistics of bar charts, pie charts, or other tables ,and most of the tutorials at SET Digital School are about how to complete the submission. Besides, based on the regulations of normal class grouping in Taiwan, the data exchanged between the student status management system, the normal class grouping system and Special Education Transmit Net should be done for the children who have special needs before grouping. Therefore, we consult the operation of the IDEA’s website to give some advices about staff training, IEP designing, and the procedure for Special Education Transmit Net in order to promote the system having much more capacity in the future.
