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篇名 護理創新教學科技的建置與應用
卷期 64:6
並列篇名 Construction and Application of Innovative Education Technology Strategies in Nursing
作者 趙莉芬黃湘萍倪麗芬蔡佳蘭黃翠媛
頁次 026-033
關鍵字 行動學習雲端運算高擬真護理情境虛擬互動模擬擴增實境mobile-learningcloud computinghigh-fidelity nursing simulationvirtual interactive simulationaugmented realityMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201712
DOI 10.6224/JN.000080




The evolution of information and communication technologies has deeply impacted education reform, promoted the development of digital-learning models, and stimulated the development of diverse nursing education strategies in order to better fulfill needs and expand in new directions. The present paper introduces the intelligent-learning resources that are available for basic medical science education, problem-based learning, nursing scenario-based learning, objective structured clinical examinations, and other similar activities in the Department of Nursing at Chang Gung University of Science and Technology. The program is offered in two parts: specialized classroom facilities and cloud computing / mobile-learning. The latter includes high-fidelity simulation classrooms, online e-books, and virtual interactive simulation and augmented reality mobile-learning materials, which are provided through multimedia technology development, learning management systems, webcertificated examinations, and automated teaching and learning feedback mechanisms. It is expected that the teaching experiences that are shared in this article may be used as a reference for applying professional wisdom teaching models into nursing education.
