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篇名 國小特色廁所之教育理論基礎與實例
卷期 112
並列篇名 The Educational Theoretical Bases and Practical Examples for Characteristic Toilet in Elementary School
作者 葉連祺王美怡
頁次 160-174
關鍵字 廁所教育領導國小toileteducational leadershipelementary school
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112007




Toilet is the important place for teachers and students in elementary school. It satisfies the function of basic psychological need for teachers and students. The quality of toilet is one of the important items to assess the school education quality, as well as the critical indicator to review principal’s management accountability. Educational authorities and schools can not ignore to improve the school toilets. So the study focused on discussing the educational theoretical bases for characteristic toilet in elementary school and proposed several practical examples to illustrate. Firstly, quantity, quality and energy as the three dimensions for defining characteristic. Three appearance requirements and three inner content requirements about building toilet were discussed. One definition and some operational criteria for characteristic toilet in elementary schools were also proposed. Moreover fourteen theoretical bases for building elementary school toilet such as pedagogy, psychology and others were interpreted. Furthermore, the elementary school toilet can play eight roles and eight functions. Based upon the developmental process of characteristic toilet in elementary schools, with the viewpoints of educational leadership and principal leadership, thirteen leadership theoretical bases included technology leadership, cultural leadership and other leadership, were provided. Finally 12 practical examples of characteristic toilets in elementary schools and junior high schools were discussed.
