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篇名 教育空間新思維
卷期 112
並列篇名 New Thinking of Educational Space
作者 湯志民
頁次 175-186
關鍵字 教育空間新思維學校應像一個家激勵人心的環境混合式學習 環境沈浸式學習環境educational spacenew thinkingschool as homeenvironments that inspireblended learning environmentimmersive learning environments
出刊日期 201711
DOI 10.3966/160683002017110112008




The 21st century across into the industry 4.0 and digital age, that includes the large data, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence (AI) is develop rapidly and show learning ubiquitous. The school is a place which providing education, it’s also offer a safe, comfortable, fun and friendly environment, and capture the most wonderful part from the history context of school to make the school situation fulfilled of culture. Especially, in response of teacher flipped teaching and the new pattern of student’s learning, the school should provide the learning space which can correspond the reality and virtual, and respond the need of student’s independent learning, peer interaction, collaboration, community and other diverse in learning space. This study refers to the relevant research on the new trend of school building. Its takes four important part from new thinking of educational space to describe and illustrate, such as “school as home”,” environments that inspire”, “ blended learning environment”, and “ immersive learning environments”, and for education leaders and schools to plan the campus and learning environment for reference.
