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篇名 漢傳禪佛教的當代實踐──聖嚴法師的「心靈環保」
卷期 2
並列篇名 The Contemporary Practice of Chinese Chan Buddhism: Master Sheng Yen’s “Protecting the Spiritual Environment”
作者 釋果光釋常諗
頁次 241-302
關鍵字 聖嚴法師漢傳禪佛教心靈環保禪法佛教倫 理當代佛教Master Sheng YenProtecting the Spiritual EnvironmentChinese Chan BuddhismChanBuddhist EthicsContemporary Buddhism
出刊日期 201107




In 1989, the internationally well-known Chan Master Sheng Yen elaborated a new concept which he called “Protecting the Spiritual Environment.” Protecting the Spiritual Environment, based on the philosophy and practice of Chinese Chan Buddhism, is not just a notion about a new lifestyle or the promotion of a social movement but, in itself, is a Chan device utilized in modern life. In the gradual approach of Indian Buddhism, practice is cultivated in sitting meditation. Through a transformation of the gradual approach, Protecting the Spiritual Environment can be applied to everyday life and developed into a new form of practice relevant to modern society. Moreover, Protecting the Spiritual Environment extends Chan practice to the realm of social ethics as well as to issues such as world religions, peace, mental health, economics and environmentalism etc. However, whereas media and researchers often focus on Protecting the Spiritual Environment in the context of social movements or as a novel lifestyle, the relationship of Protecting the Spiritual Environment to Chan Buddhism is seldom explored.
