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篇名 女性性侵害犯生命歷程影響檢察官偵查處分之研究
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 A study on the prosecutorial decision impacted by the life course of female sex offenders
作者 王聖豪
頁次 027-052
關鍵字 女性性侵犯生命歷程偵查處分female sex offenderslife courseprosecutorial decision
出刊日期 201707


在性侵害犯罪的研究領域中,女性性侵害犯係屬較為特殊的犯罪族群,而許 多針對女性性侵害犯的研究也指出,此類犯罪者常有曾受性侵害或受暴的生命經 驗,而這些特殊的女性性侵害犯進入犯罪偵查階段時,其等的生命歷程是否會影 響檢察官偵查處分的決定,是本文研究的焦點。本研究方法採質性研究,並實際 訪談六名實際偵辦過女性性侵害犯之檢察官,在研究結果上,本文歸結受訪檢察 官之意見,認為檢察官對於女性性侵害犯生命歷程之探測,均呈現否定的經驗, 但上開探測之必要性與影響性之議題上,則呈現分歧的觀點。


Female sexual offenders are special in the research of sex criminal, and many studies of this object also pointed out that such offenders were usually the victims of sexual abuse or violence. In this research,I investigate the prosecutorial decision impact by the life course of female sex offenders. Adopting a qualitative methodology, I conducted interviews with six current and former prosecutors experienced in such cases. The main findings were as follows: the prosecutors don’t have any experience to explore the life course of female sex offender, and they have different opinions on the necessity and influence of this issue.
