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篇名 婚姻登記中簡易婚姻教育試辦方案之成果與分析_以彰化縣為例
卷期 13:1
並列篇名 The Outcome and Its Analysis of Marital Education during Marital Registration Program in Changhwa County
作者 謝麗紅林明傑詹媛雲李意婕陳建霖
頁次 087-112
關鍵字 婚姻教育婚前教育婚姻溝通marital educationpremarital educationmarital communication
出刊日期 201707


為使新婚者能學到較佳溝通並對下一代有正面影響,在彰化縣政府補助下推動兩 區域之婚姻登記簡易婚姻教育試辦方案。簡易婚姻教育包含情緒溝通、衝突溝通、 性溝通、與休閒溝通之十二分鐘示範影片及六題同心小測驗等,並以問卷詢問新 人與協助的志工執行者。研究發現:(1)有82.5%的新人對該形式的婚姻教育表示 滿意,而86.4%的新人表示該婚姻教育形式對新人有所幫助表示同意或很同意。 (2)協助者中86.9%同意多數新婚夫婦願意接受婚姻教育,91%認為執行方案的過 程中是順利的,且91%能了解計畫的重要性,91.3%同意能順利的完成流程協助 教育並認為新人在完成婚前教育時心情是愉快的。執行人員與參與者對此試辦之 態度為正面肯定。最後,相關的建議事項也在文末提出。


Family is the first place to learn the interpersonsal relationship. The authors were founded to start the experimental program of brief martial education during marital registration for helping the new couple to learn the marital communication to reduce the misbehavior of the couple and their kids during interaction. The brief martial education includes a 12-minute video containing emotional communication, conflict communication, sexual communication, and leisure communication and a new-couple-mind-test containing mutual understanding and the communication knowledge. This study was to request the new couples and assisting volunteers to fill the questionnaires, and the percentage statistics and qualitative analysis were used to analyze the data. It was found that (1) 82.5% of new couples agree were pleased with this education and also 86.4% show their thinking that this education is helpful; (2) 86.9% of assisting workers agree that the new couples were willing to accept the education, 91% of them thought the process is smooth, 91% of them agreed with the importance of this education, and 91.3% of them agreed that they could smoothly assist the education. Overall, the analysis showed the new couple and assisting worker mostly agree with the importance of the marital education. Eventually, the related suggestions were proposed in the end.
