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篇名 聖嚴法師與印順導師之思想比較─以人間淨土和人間佛教為例
卷期 8
並列篇名 Comparison of Master Sheng-yen’s thought of Pure Land in Human Realm and Master Yin-shun’s thought of Buddhism in Human Realm
作者 越建東
頁次 191-234
關鍵字 聖嚴法師印順導師人間淨土人間佛教Master Sheng-yenMaster Yin-shunPure Land in Human RealmBuddhism in Human Realm
出刊日期 201606




This article aims at exploring Master Sheng-yen’s thought of Pure Land in Human Realm, in comparison to Master Yinshun’s thought of Buddhism in Human Realm. The approach of comparative study on relevant issue was originally suggested by Master Sheng-yen, but no details of how to proceed. This study attempts to do a basic analysis on the naming of thoughts, their contents, goals to be achieved, characteristics of practices, as well as doctrinal and Buddhist canonical bases that have been applied. In addition to this, a dialogue by using representative Buddhist texts will be employed to clarify some significant points from both Masters’ theoretical frameworks. Finally, a pragmatic question will also be raised: whether the thoughts of purification of human realm as promoted by these Masters are still applicable to the modern Chinese society and global challenges?
