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篇名 默照禪修中促進轉化的慈悲與智慧
卷期 8
並列篇名 The Compassion and the Wisdom conducive to transformation in Silent Illumination Practice
作者 楊蓓
頁次 285-310
關鍵字 默照禪轉化覺知整體觀Silent Illuminationtransformationawarenessholistic
出刊日期 201606




In recent years, trans-disciplinary development brings together wisdom between Zen Buddhism and psychology. As a consequence, there are varying types of psychotherapy methods and related researches developed all over the world. However, most of these studies are focus on the effects of meditation practice, instead of on processes and facts which influence people’s mental state even their living qualities. Meanwhile, these new therapies have not yet been approved by both disciplines, neither in theoretical level nor in method level. This paper is based on the previous research findings “The Influence of Silent Illumination Practice on Mental Health”(Pei Yang,2012), including 8 elements of transformation and the key concept "awareness-based wisdom". This paper takes a further dialogue among the method of Silent Illumination, the psychology concept about transformation, the teaching of Venerable Sheng Yen and the practitioners’ experiences, trying to detail how the "awareness-based wisdom" works. It also points out that holistic is the critical element to gain wisdom. Suggestions on further study toward the trans-disciplinary development between Zen Buddhism and psychology are mentioned.
