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篇名 Natural Antiplatelet Drugs in Thrombosis Treatment: Prospective Molecular Mechanisms
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 天然抗血小板化合物應用於血栓的治療:其分子機轉的探討
作者 王榮添曹心怡郭志東張釗監
頁次 045-056
關鍵字 antiplateletsnatural productsantithrombosismolecular mechanism抗血小板天然化合物抗血栓分子機轉
出刊日期 201803
DOI 10.3966/181020932018031601006




Multifaceted hemostatic mechanisms are associated with the pathophysiology of various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. Among them, dysregulation of platelet activity is related to the progression of atherosclerosis and mainly involves platelet aggregation and decreased blood flow in the vascular endothelium. The major platelet activation pathways mediated by agonists are the arachidonic acid, adenosine diphosphate, serotonin, and nitric oxide pathways. Free radicals also affect the molecules involved in platelet aggregation. These mechanisms have been widely studied and discussed because they are inhibited by plant-based compounds that are used in complementary and alternative medicine for reducing platelet aggregation. Current antiplatelet therapy is highly effective in preventing atherothrombotic complications. Nevertheless, some patients continue to experience recurrent complications despite receiving appropriate treatment because of the pharmacokinetics and interactions of consumed drugs, the genetic backgrounds of the patients, and the increased frequency of thrombus formation . Hence, considerable research has been directed toward providing new antiplatelet drugs that exhibit superior aggregation-preventing potential but do not increase bleeding risk. In this review, we discuss unique natural antiplatelet drugs and their potential inhibition of platelet aggregation.
