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篇名 脊髓損傷者家庭經驗研究
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 The Family Experience of Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
作者 陳心怡龎寶宏唐宜楨
頁次 016-030
關鍵字 脊髓損傷家庭經驗性別位置Spinal cord injurylife experience of familygender position
出刊日期 201803


目的:透過面對面訪談的方式來了解損傷對於脊髓損傷者家庭關係經驗,以 提供對脊髓損傷者家庭日常生活脈絡與情境的理解。方法:主要針對中南部某脊 髓損傷協會同意與受訪者同意後,透過社工與研究人員來進行資料收集,訪談部 分共8 位受訪者,男性5 位、女性3 位。結果:脊髓損傷者家庭實體中的家庭性 別位置會影響其家庭關係、親密關係、性健康以及脊髓損傷者在個人、家庭關係 的動態生命歷程。結論:以脊髓損傷者作為專業關係的中心,可以看見脊髓損傷 者家庭中的性別角色、家庭關係的變化歷程,特別是婚姻關係中性別位置;並以 性別位置觀點分析個人的生活經驗與家庭關係。


Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyze whether gender position of persons with spinal cord injury affect their family relationships, intimate relationship especially sexual health after spinal cord injury. Methods: A qualitative research approach is adopted as the method to collect research data and 8 persons with spinal cord injury in Central Taiwan were interviewed. Results: The findings indicate that gender position of persons with spinal cord injury in the family is associated with family relationship, intimate relationship and sexual health. Male interviewees report better marital relationship with their spouses while female interviewees are more likely to experience a sense of vulnerability in their marital relationship due to their disabilities. Conclusion: Gender position of persons with spinal cord injury helps to understand difference life experiences in family relationships, intimate relationship with a spouse, and in particular sexual health after injuries are occurred. In other words, hidden cultural disciplinary roles, namely inherence of family lines and performance of gender roles should be taken into consideration when professionals survey individuals with spinal cord injury to ascertain their health.
