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篇名 從生命教育與重建探討中途失明者從事按摩業
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 Discussion on Life Education and Reconstruction: Why the Blinders are Engaged in the Massage Industry
作者 周美田周珮琪李德茂周立偉
頁次 031-045
關鍵字 生命教育職業重建中途失明按摩業life educationcareer reconstructionmidway blindnessmassage industry
出刊日期 201803




Visual impaired (18-55 years old) regardless of the cause of blindness, it is not only the level of the life of the individual, but also affect their families, and even the community. This study is aimed at investigating the real meaning of “life education and reconstruction” in the people of blindness. At the same time, will the future of the new job can really fit the visually impaired? This study will point out that the life education of the blind people is not only “cherish life”, but more importantly, the integration of physical and mental disorders, only to accept their blind facts, to re-enter the community and began a new life. Massage is the traditional industry of the blinds. Although the massage market competitors increased, visually impaired is bound to face a greater test. However, if the crisis as a turning point, through the correct teaching and training, in theory and practice on the job, or the opportunity to create the peak of the massage industry.
