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篇名 身障機構服務對象老化服務提供模式之研究
卷期 16:1
並列篇名 A Study of Services Provided by Institutions for the Disabled Versus the Current Model of Facilitation of Aging Services
作者 蔡春足
頁次 046-062
關鍵字 身心障礙機構智能障礙老化長期照顧Institution for the disabledintellectual disabilityaginglong-term care
出刊日期 201803




In Taiwan, the majority of services provided by welfare institutions for the disabled are met with challenges due to changes in aging needs; however, research is scarce when it comes to the services provided for the disabled who experience aging inside an institution. The purpose of this research is to understand the current situation of aging services provided by institutions for the disabled. Research method: using a cross-sectional study, questionnaires were sent through the post to collect data. The study focused on 122 institutions that mainly house the intellectually disabled. A total of 118 questionnaires were completed, with 116 being effective, resulting in a response rate of 97%. Research results: the average aging ratio among the surveyed institutions was 35%. Regarding transfer and placement, when there is a change in resident needs, the majority of the institutions refer residents to nursing homes (58%); the biggest problem during the referral process is fees (82%). Concerning setting up a specialized aging area inside institutions, 80% agree that the disabled should spend their old age within the same institution, but only 14% of the institutions already had a specialized area. As far as what is included in their care, this study surveyed and studied many aspects of the current situation, such as the environment and facilities, educational training, medical care, physical fitness, assessment equipment, educational activities, class operation, routine and schedule, and family support. The most challenging aspects are caretaker resources, the stress of urgent medical treatment, and the know-how for health caretaking. Conclusion: taking care of the aging mentally disabled is a common problem that local institutions for the disabled experience. Likewise, referrals are also a challenge. Although institutions largely agree that residents should age within the same institution, few are mobilizing to implement a specialized area for the aging residents. In addition to showing that there is a scarcity of caretaker resources, this study showed that the government’s promotion of long-term caretaking policy and specific support measures for the aging of the intellectually disabled, such as human resource support planning, medical technology, and the necessity for old age training which are worthy of consideration.
