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篇名 台灣數位動漫產業結構初探
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Preliminary Study of Digital Animation Industry in Taiwan
作者 呂煒琳汪芷榆王奕然謝家豪
頁次 017-033
關鍵字 動漫產業五力分析Animation IndustryAnalysis of Five Forces
出刊日期 201706




As the technology improves every day, leisure activities are also diversified. Because of the digital development, electronic media is more sophisticated. With the rise of free creation and the progress of information technology, human beings for the creation of entertainment is also a wide range. From the ancient storytellers, music opera, poetry and calligraphy and painting, and even the game business to radio, television, internet and various sports, people find their favorite way of entertainment anytime. Animation industry began to rise in recent years, and Asian countries have begun to keep up with. Also, more and more people involve in this industry. The coverage of animation industry is not only limited to the Asian region. The impact of this industry is huge and it brings about many commercial possibility, Taiwan region is also one of the countries in prosperity. After nearly a hundred years of development, animation industry has formed a unique industrial chain. Some creative from animation also bring other creators inspiration. As the basis for character setting, creators make a comic novel or comic animation, With the works, animation industry made those as a basis for sustainable development. Animation industry has developed into a huge business opportunities. The main purpose of this study is to explore the development of Taiwan's animation industry. As the object of study from Taiwan's animation industry, the present study is using in-depth analysis to analyze and to explore the status of Taiwan's animation industry. After the analyzing of interviews, we made the analysis of five forces to find out the advantages of Taiwan's animation industry Disadvantage.
