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篇名 東亞邊緣地帶的地緣權力競逐
卷期 8:2
並列篇名 The Competition of Geopolitical in East Asia Rimland
作者 何燿光
頁次 044-066
關鍵字 海洋秩序邊緣地帶東亞地緣權力競逐中國崛起亞洲再帄衡Maritime orderRimlandGeopolitical Competition in East AsiaChina RisingRebalance to Asia
出刊日期 201706


東海、南海主權糾紛自在2009 年開始,不斷的突發事件累積,使衝突擴大的 可能性激增,是否中國將持續藉此等議題展示其在區域的主導地位,而美國又會 否「出兵」示威,展現其世界霸權維繫海洋秩序的核心,皆為當前國際關切的焦 點與學界探討的議題。然而,卻始終沒有一致或甚趨於一致的見解,其中核心的 問題在於對中國崛起認知的差異,不同國際理論觀點下,崛起中國代表的意義全 然不同。於是,本文將由地緣這個國際政治分析諸多因素中最穩定的變項入手, 觀察東亞區域競逐的幾個核心勢力,在當前地緣政治與戰略因素之中,所呈現出 來的權力競逐樣貌。


The sovereignty dispute in both East and South China Sea are continue expanding since 2009. Whether China will show its dominance in the region? Will the US demonstrate the forces to show its world hegemony determination and the maritime order maintained? All these questions are the deeply concerned for the schooler of international relations. There is no consistent or even convergence of views for “China rising”, it is good or not, just depend on the theories which people used. This article will try to starting with geopolitical factors, observing and competing for several core forces in the East Asia region. Trying to figure out the current geopolitical and strategic factors, to show the power competition in East Asia.
