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篇名 高強度爆發力訓練對於餐後血脂肪之影響
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The effects of high intensity power training on postprandial lipemia
作者 楊美玲楊佳元吳柏翰
頁次 001-012
關鍵字 三酸甘油脂CrossFit訓練阻力訓練耐力訓練triglycerideCrossFit trainingresistance trainingendurance training
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/240996512018060501001


緒論:根據研究指出單次阻力或有氧運動皆能有效降低餐後血脂肪,然而高強度爆發力訓練(CrossFittrammg) 指出能有效提升心肺適能並降低體脂肪,但對影響餐後血脂肪的效果仍不清楚。因此,本研究以高強度的耐 力訓練、阻力訓練與CrossFit訓練對於餐後血脂肪之立即影響。方法:以9名有運動習慣健康成年男性作為 受試者(平均年齡25±4.8歲),以重複量數方式分配至ACSM建議之高強度耐力訓練處理(EE處理;20分 鐘75%~85% HRR的跑步)、阻力訓練處理(RE處理;4個動作;8RM ;組間休息為2~3分鐘;共3組)與 CrossFit訓練處理(CF處理;20分鐘;Cindy: 5pull-ups、10push-ups及15squats),皆於運動一小時後給予中 高脂肪餐(43%),並檢測餐前及餐後6小時間的血液樣本。使用重複量數二因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA, repeated measures)進行統計分析。結果:分析發現CF處理在餐後第2和6小時的三酸甘油脂濃度顯著低於RE 處理(215.6 ± 27.8 v.s 130.2 ± 10.9 md/dl, p<.05 ; 104.5 ± 6.9 md/dl v.s 144.4 ± 11.4 md/dl, p<.05),而 TG-AUC 和 TG-IAUC則無顯著差異(p=0.063 ; p=0.088)。結論:本研究顯示耐力訓練與阻力訓練對降低餐後血脂肪之效果 相當,但高強度爆發力訓練在第2和第6小時對降低餐後血脂肪之效果優於阻力訓練。


Introduction: The studies have showed that single bout exercise could attenuate postprandial lipemia. However, a number of studies have indicated that high intensive interval training (CrossFit training) could effectively improve cardiovascular fitness and reduced body fat. Therefore, the purpose of this study was compared to the high-intensity endurance training, resistance training and CrossFit training on postprandial lipmia following a medium-high fat meal. Methods: Nine healthy men as participants (age 25 士 4.8 years). Participants completed three trials conditions in a random order: 1) endurance training (EE; performed on treadmill; 75% ~ 85% HRR for 20 min), resistance training (RE; performed 3 sets of 8 repetitions of 4 exercises at 80% of 8 repetitions maximum) or CrossFit training (CF; Cindy-5 pull-up, 10 push-up and 15 squat as many rounds as possible in 20 min). After 1 hour, subjects consumed a medium-high meal. Blood samples were collected before meal, and among 6 hours postprandial period. Results: The results showed that significantly difference in triglyceride between RE and CF trials at 2 & 6 hours(215.6 士 27.8 v.s 130.2 士 10.9 md/dl, p〈.05 ; 104.5 士 6.9 md/dl v.s 144.4 士 11.4 md/dl, p<.05). However, no significant different evidenced between TG-AUC and TG-IAUC. Conclusions: the results of the present study suggested that the effect of attenuate postprandial lipemia were equal between EE and RE. However, high power Interval Training (CF) was better than RE at the 2 and 6 hours postprandial lipemia.
