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篇名 八週不同重量及動作速度阻力訓練對肌力表現之影響
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 An 8-week resistance training with different load and movement velocity for strength performance
作者 林秀卿
頁次 013-018
關鍵字 爆發力上肢訓練下肢訓練powermuscle training on upper extremitymuscle training on lower extremity
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/240996512018060501002


緒論:本研究探討八週不同重量及動作速度的組合阻力訓練對最大肌力表現之影響。方法:本研究招募48名 健康大學生為本研究受試對象(年齡:21.5±1.1歲,身高:1.67±0.09公尺,體重:71.3±8.5公斤),實驗參與 者近六個月無肌肉骨骼及神經肌肉之傷害。以隨機分派方式將受試者分為快速低重量(N=24)及慢速高重量 (N=24)。前測最大肌力測試的項目包含上肢、軀幹及下肢共9個項目。休息一週後開始正式進行訓練介人, 訓練後進行最大肌力後測。本研究採用混合設計二因子變異數分析比較不同組別在重量訓練前後測之最大肌 力比較,顯著水準定為a=05。結果:在經過八周快速低重量組的訓練後,上肢及下肢的最大肌力表現顯著大 於慢速高重量組。但軀幹在八周訓練後快速低重量與慢速高重量組的最大肌力沒有差異。結論:快速低重量 的八週的阻力訓練,可以有效提升上肢及下肢的最大肌力表現,但無法改善軀幹肌群的肌力表現。


Introduction: This study investigated the effect of an 8-week weight training program, under different load and movement speed on performance of one repetition maximum. Methods: This study recruited 48 healthy college students as participants (mean ± standard deviation: age 21.5 ± 1.1 years, height 1.67 ± 0.09 m, weight 71.3 ± 8.5 kg). All participants were randomly divided into two groups of fast movement low weight group (N=24) and slow movement high weight group (N=24). In this study, the experimental participants had no musculoskeletal and neuromuscular injuries in the six months. The 9 items one repetition maximum tests on upper, trunk and lower extremity in pre- and post- test. To recover for one week after pre-test before training started. A repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed with two groups and two test. The level of significance was set at = .05. Results: After training, the fast movement low weight group were significantly more powerful than slow movement high weights on upper and lower extremity. However, there was no difference in the one repetition maximum between the fast movement low weight and the slow movement high weight group in the trunk after training. Conclusions: The fast movement low weight group weight training for eight weeks improve the maximum muscle strength on upper limbs and lower limbs, but no effect on the trunk.
