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篇名 自行車訓練監控指標
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The monitoring index of cycling training
作者 李尹鑫陳家祥相子元
頁次 019-026
關鍵字 power metertraining stresstraining indexperformance功率計訓錬量訓錬指標運動表現
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/240996512018060501003


緒論:隨著科技的進步,目前自行車訓錬已經發展出許多工具提供訓錬監控及比賽的即時回饋。介紹各種自 行車訓錬監控指標的特性,提供想從事自行車訓錬的人參考。方法:本文整理目前訓錬上常見的生理學、運動 學以及動力學指標,可提供給使用者即時的監控以及事後的回饋之自行車訓錬監控指標。結果:目前在自行 車訓錬眾多的指標中,功率是最重要的一項,相較於其他指標,功率最直接且即時的反應出當下的運動強度, 不但可以作為設計訓錬課表的依據,也可以用來擬定比賽策略。結論:透過功率的監控可以精準的量測訓錬 量,觀察訓錬的刺激與體能的變化,進一步分析踩踏功率,更可以瞭解個人的能力程度與踩踏特性,讓使用 者可以了解自己的狀況,有效率且安全的進行訓錬。功率計由於價格昂貴以及安裝不易等限制導致推廣上有 許多限制,透過發展不同功率量測技術以及大數據分析的應用,相信可以突破目前訓錬上的限制,讓更多人 受惠。


Introduction: The popularity of cycling is growing in Taiwan recent years. More cyclists are willing to train seriously to improve their performance. The purpose of this study to introduced the feature of training indexes for the cyclists to enhance their training. Methods: This article organizes common index in training, including the physiology, kinematics, and kinetics. With the improvement of technology, many tools and training indexes were developed to help monitoring the process of training and provide real-time feedback. Results: In this article, The ‘power5 is the most important index which represents the intensity of performance instantly and directly compared with other indexes. Power is used to precisely design training program and optimize race strategy. Conclusions: Power meter provide an accurate measurement of training load, giving more information about training stress and the changing of physical ability. Analyzing the pedaling power could identify personal capability and pedaling strategy which help the cyclist understand more about the physical condition and train more efficiently and safely. The expensive cost and inconvenient installment limited the application of power meter. By developing the new power measurement technology and applying the big data analytics which could break through the current restrictions in training and help more people who participating in cycling.
