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篇名 網球截擊應具備的肌力要素與肌肉收縮特性
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The characteristics of strength elements and muscle contraction on tennis volley
作者 江勁政
頁次 035-042
關鍵字 運動表現肌群網球技術sports performancemuscle grouptennis technique
出刊日期 201806
DOI 10.3966/240996512018060501005


緒論:優秀截撃技術是網前得分的利器。網球截撃技術依動作可分為準備期、拉拍期、前揮撃球期及跟隨期 等四個階段,瞭解肌力要素與肌肉收縮特性是提升網球技術不可或缺的一環。方法:本文透過下肢肌群、軀 幹與網球截撃動作、上肢肌群與網球截撃動作及網球截撃動作的肌力訓練方法分析,使教練、選手對於執行 截撃動作所動用到的肌群有進一步了解。結果:網球截撃應具備的肌力要素,在下肢部分宜以爆發力為主, 可以藉由深跳及箱跳動作加以鍛鍊;軀幹部分則以肌耐力為主,可以透過仰臥屈膝動作訓練;上肢部分亦以 肌耐力為主,可以藉三頭肌滑輪下拉動作訓練。結論:網球截撃跑動、急停、屈膝等過程時,由於下肢必須吸 收地面傳來的反作用力,選手應具備良好的肌力才得以在穩定平衡的狀態下撃球,軀幹的核心肌群會隨著網 球撃球加速及減速的動態過程收縮或放鬆,強化上肢段動力鍊之傳遞,讓下肢及核心肌群的力量更有效率的 傳遞至拍頭,也可減少肩、肘、腕關節的負荷。因此瞭解截撃技術有助於執行肌力訓練計畫及減少傷害產生。


Introduction: Excellent volley skill was a weapon for net points won. Tennis volley techniques can be divided into four distinct phases: preparation phase, backswing phase, forward swing to impact phase and follow through phase. Understanding strength elements and muscle contraction was an integral part of improving tennis skills. Methods: This study analyzed tennis volley in different groups: 1. lower limb and trunk muscle group; 2. upper limb muscle group. 3. Strength training methods of tennis volley. Allows coaches and players to learn more about the muscles used in performing volley movements. Results: The strength elements of tennis volley: the main part of the lower extremities was the power that can be exercised by deep jump and box jump movements; the main part of the torso was muscular endurance that can be exercised by crunch movements; the upper extremities were also mainly based on muscular endurance that can be exercised by triceps cable push-down movements. Conclusions: In the process of tennis volley such as running, emergency stop, knee flexion, etc., because the lower limbs must absorb the reaction force from the ground, the player should have good muscle strength to hit the ball in a stable and balanced state. The core muscles of the trunk contract or relax with the dynamic process of acceleration and deceleration when hitting the ball. Intensifying the transmission of the upper limbs' kinetic chain allows the power of the lower limbs and core muscles to be transmitted to the racket head more efficiently, and also reduces the load on the shoulders, elbows and wrists. It was hoped that the study will help coaches to execute the muscle training programs, to improve the player's performance, and to reduce injuries.
