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篇名 The use of acupressure for improving physical mobility and decreasing anxiety in patients with ischemic stroke
卷期 18:1
作者 Hsiu-Hsia WengLing-Yu Hsieh
頁次 006-006
關鍵字 acupressureischemic strokephysical mobilityanxiety
出刊日期 201603



With the advance of medical technology, the incidence and mortality of stroke gradually decreased. However, stroke-caused sequelaes and disabilities thought the disease of acute and recovery period which inflict enormous attack and burden on the society and the patients as well as their families. In addition to Western medicine, integrated traditional Chinese therapy such as acupuncture, tuina and acupressure may have better effect on recovery from stroke. However, acupressure involves the stimulation of certain acupoints by pressing with the fingers and could be conducted by nurses or trained caregivers at home. Further, the acupressure is easy to perform and safety. Thus, the purpose of this study is to describe the issues of using acupressure for improving physical mobility and decreasing anxiety in patients with ischemic stroke which could be used as a reference for clinical practice.
