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篇名 Traditional Chinese medicine for Consciousness Disorder and The Weakness of Limbs due to Bacterial Meningoencephalitis: a Case Report
卷期 18:1
作者 Yuan-Chih FengHong-Hsi HsienChe-Chang Kul
頁次 028-028
關鍵字 Mental confused by phlegmClear heat and reduce phlegm for resuscitation nourishing qiShi Xuemin Acupuncture for activating spirit to resuscitate brainLingguibafa AcupunctureBacterial meningoencephalitis
出刊日期 201603



The 49-year-old male was admitted for vasculitis related multiple cerebral infarcts, diffuse scattered small brain abscess , brain swelling, hydrocephalus after suffering from bacterial meningoencephalitis. After Western medicine treatment, vital signs were stable. At March 19, 2015, his family decided Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) consultation and his Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was E3VtM1. He had confusion, drowsiness, weakness of limbs limp, loose stools soft, thin body, a lot of saliva, yellow face, swollen limbs, pink tongue with white fur, thick and greasy, heavy sputum tone, and pulse weak. TCM syndrome-classification was mental confused by phlegm, blockage of meridian, dysfunction of spleen, malnutrition of muscles and bones. Therefore clear heat and reduce phlegm for resuscitation, nourishing qi to invigorate spleen to eliminate dampness, as the main rule is, open bezoar Qingxin pill, Erchen subtraction party coupled with Shi Xuemin Acupuncture for activating spirit to resuscitate brain and Lingguibafa Acupuncture. The patient was in the treatment by infection control of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine for six consecutive months. His GCS from E3VtM1 progressed to E4V4M5, and muscle power from LUL (2) RUL (2) LLL (2) RLL (2) progressed to LUL (3) RUL (4-5) LLL (3) RLL (3-4).Now he is still continuing therapy by traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. We found that therapy can effectively improve weakness limp because of the central nervous system infection. Due to the sequelae of the unconsciousness, confusion, and the weakness of limbs caused by bacterial meningoencephalitis, in clinical medicine is not a common disease, thus providing an effective case as Integrative Holistic Healing.
