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篇名 私立大專校院轉型和退場機制及面臨問題之分析
卷期 117
並列篇名 The Mechanisms and Problems of Transformation and Withdrawal for Private Colleges and Universities
作者 陳玉君
頁次 251-267
關鍵字 大學轉型及退場教師工作權益校產公共性高等教育治理The Mechanisms and Problems of Transformation and Withdrawal for Private Colleges and UniversitiesTeacher Work RightsPublicity of school propertyThe management of Higher Education
出刊日期 201809
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201809_(117).0010




In order to response to the influence of declining birth rates, the transformation and withdrawal for private colleges and universities has become a concerned topic. Therefore, this paper explores the transformation and withdrawal mechanism for private colleges and universities, and the problems that will be encountered, including the mechanism of transform and withdrawal, the arrangement of students, the protection of teacher work rights and the arrangement of school property. Finally, compare the private colleges and universities’ transformation and withdrawal bill with legislators’ proposal. And then propose future revision directions, including: the suitable candidate can be designated by a legal person or the competent authority if that closed schools still need to manage school affairs; the private school endowment corporation may entrust other schools to handle administrative affairs if the closed school is unable to operate continuously due to lack of funds; In order to deal with the expenses required for school faculty salaries or severance pay, schools that have been completely stopped enrollment and closed can use the school fund; the procedure of the teacher’s layoff could be simplified, etc.. By these revision directions, hope to help the private schools’ withdrawal more smoothly.
