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篇名 析論社會變遷中教學的反思與前瞻
卷期 118
並列篇名 Reflection and Prospect of Teaching in the Change of Society
作者 楊振昇
頁次 001-011
關鍵字 社會變遷新課綱教師領導social changenew curriculumteacher leadership
出刊日期 201811
DOI 10.6423/HHHC.201811_(118).0001




Taiwan does not have enough land resources and natural resources. However, the investment in educational resources has always been highly valued by the government. We all understand only high-quality education can shape high-quality society, cultivate high-quality talents, and build high-quality countries! In the rapid changes and fierce international competition, high-quality and professional human resources are more important, and high-quality and professional teachers are more concerned with knowledge innovation, social progress and national development. At present, teacher teaching is facing the phenomenon of shortening the half-life of knowledge, the impact of the annuity reform, and the implementation of the 108 new curriculum. Therefore, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the future thinking of teachers in teaching. This paper mainly discusses the reflection and forward-looking of teacher teaching in the changing society. The full text is divided into three parts. firstly, the concept of the change is analyzed. Secondly, the reflection of the teacher teaching in the changing society is explored. Finally, the future thinking for teachers is proposed.
